I know you are true with definition's and standards, however, that code works for about 6 years ;o)

Well, we will change our parser behavoir. We will check out that standard_conforming_strings parameter too but i see a lot of problems with our backup and restore system (plain text pg_dump's) and other points.

All in all will Postgres81 understand this E'' (\\0) escape chars too? Or do we have to make a several version for older Postgres versions?

Thanks a lot for your hints,


Peter Eisentraut schrieb:
On sön, 2009-09-13 at 22:21 +0200, Daniel Schuchardt wrote:
First:In Postgres81 everything is working fine.

In general, older versions of PostgreSQL treated encoding issues much
mroe loosely, which subsequently lead to user errors, bugs, and
confusion.  Later versions are more strict.  Therefore, experience
dictates that "$oldversion is working fine" often really means "your
application code was abusing definitional gaps and bugs".

(((with our parser:
UPDATE art SET ak_auftxt= '*', ak_auftxt_rtf= '{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\lang1031\\fs20 *\r\n\\par }\r\n\0' WHERE dbrid=204800

At the very least, you should escape the \0 to \\0.  And then put E''
around the string.  The answer recommended elsewhere to set
standard_conforming_strings to true will also work, but might break
other code that you have currently running.  Read its documentation

Daniel Schuchardt


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