On Oct 9, 2009, at 12:14 PM, Mike Christensen wrote:
I will definitely create a domain for this (and probably for some
other types in my app since I now know about this).  However, is the
CHECK really necessary?  A numeric(5,5) already has a maximum value of
10^0, so it would already create an overflow error if you set it
higher.  Is there an advantage of using the CHECK constraint?  Perhaps
this is faster or doesn't lock the row on update or something?

Just to point out, NUMERIC and DECIMAL are one and the same yes?

Sorry, NUMERIC is correct; DECIMAL was my brain misfiring.

Since NUMERICs can go negative regardless of scale, the CHECK is handy to make sure that you do not insert a negative number. (This is assuming, of course, that a sales tax rate can't actually be negative for some reason.) It's not required, of course, but it's always advisable to put as much reasonable data checking into the database as you can.

Peter Eisentraut's suggestion of just not putting a scale or precision on the type at all and using CHECK to validate the values is also a fine way of handling it.
-- Christophe Pettus

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