Peter Hunsberger <> writes:
Is there any easy way to create sparse arrays with Postres?

Have you tried it?

regression=# create table foo (bar text[]);
regression=# insert into foo (bar[3],bar[7]) values ( 'a', 'b');
regression=# select * from foo;
bar ----------------------------
(1 row)

In the last couple of releases, assigning to a nonexistent subscript
will fill nulls into positions between that and the existent ones,
so something like UPDATE foo SET bar[7] = 'b' will clearly do what
you want.  The above syntax is less obvious but IIRC it's treated
as an assignment to bar[3] followed by an assignment to bar[7].

I wouldn't want to try working with very large arrays in PG, mind
you --- it's not terribly efficient with them.

                        regards, tom lane

You may be better off using hstore instead of straight arrays.

Scott Bailey

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