Hi Michael,

 I actually found that the 'simple' dictionary doesn't enforce a
stopword list by default. so i defined my search conf like this and it

create text search configuration sbsimple  ( parser = 'default' ) ;
alter text search configuration sbsimple ALTER MAPPING FOR
word,hword,asciiword,asciihword WITH simple



2009/11/12 Michael Nacos <m.na...@gmail.com>:
> Dear Jerome,
> from personal experience full-text searching in PostgreSQL can be quite
> powerful
> but it's not simple, it requires thought, planning and coding. PostgreSQL
> mainly
> provides an efficient token matching mechanism supporting positional
> information
> and weights, but natural language processing and normalization is pretty
> basic.
> If you don't mind writing a couple of user-defined functions to take control
> of lexeme
> normalization, then tsvector/tsquery support can be a very powerful tool for
> custom
> search engines.
> regards,
> Michael
> 2009/11/12 Jérôme Etévé <jerome.et...@gmail.com>
>> Hi all,
>>  I'd like to implement a full text search with postgresql, and I can't
>> find
>> a text search configuration that would just:
>> map unicode accentuated letters to an un-accentuated equivalent
>> tokenize the words (and skip any non word characters)
>> no stopwords
>> lower case the tokens
>> How can I achieve this? I'm particularly interested in deactivating
>> the stopwords filtering.
>> I tried pg_catalog.simple, but despite its name, it still considers stop
>> words.
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Jerome.

Jerome Eteve.

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