
Basically, I started testing prefix matching in FTS and got into troubles.
Self-contained example follows:

postgres=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 8.4.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2
20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44), 32-bit

postgres=# create table test (id int, data text, tsvd tsvector);
postgres=# insert into test (id, data) values (1, 'hot stuff is here'), (2,
'light is hotter than dark'), (3, 'nothing is that hottie');
postgres=# update test set tsvd = to_tsvector('english', data);
postgres=# select * from test;
 id |           data            |             tsvd
  1 | hot stuff is here         | 'hot':1 'stuff':2
  2 | light is hotter than dark | 'dark':5 'hotter':3 'light':1
  3 | nothing is that hottie    | 'hotti':4 'noth':1
(3 rows)

Now let's play with queries:

postgres=# select * from test where tsvd @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hot');
 id |       data        |       tsvd
  1 | hot stuff is here | 'hot':1 'stuff':2
(1 row)

postgres=# select * from test where tsvd @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hot:*');
 id |           data            |             tsvd
  1 | hot stuff is here         | 'hot':1 'stuff':2
  2 | light is hotter than dark | 'dark':5 'hotter':3 'light':1
  3 | nothing is that hottie    | 'hotti':4 'noth':1
(3 rows)

postgres=# select * from test where tsvd @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hot:* |
 id |           data            |             tsvd
  1 | hot stuff is here         | 'hot':1 'stuff':2
  2 | light is hotter than dark | 'dark':5 'hotter':3 'light':1
  3 | nothing is that hottie    | 'hotti':4 'noth':1
(3 rows)

Looks good so far. Let's introduce an index:

postgres=# create index ix_test on test using gin(tsvd);
postgres=# set enable_seqscan to off;

First two queries result in the same row sets, but look at the third one:

postgres=# explain select * from test where tsvd @@
to_tsquery('english', 'hot:* | hot');
                              QUERY PLAN
 Bitmap Heap Scan on test  (cost=4.26..8.28 rows=1 width=68)
   Recheck Cond: (tsvd @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hot:* | hot'::text))
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on ix_test  (cost=0.00..4.26 rows=1 width=0)
         Index Cond: (tsvd @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hot:* | hot'::text))

postgres=# select * from test where tsvd @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hot:* |
 id |       data        |       tsvd
  1 | hot stuff is here | 'hot':1 'stuff':2
(1 row)

WTH? Apparently prefixed part of the query stopped working.
Interesting that the bug doesn't show up with GiST:

postgres=# drop index ix_test;
postgres=# create index ix_test on test using gist(tsvd);
postgres=# select * from test where tsvd @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hot:* |
 id |           data            |             tsvd
  1 | hot stuff is here         | 'hot':1 'stuff':2
  2 | light is hotter than dark | 'dark':5 'hotter':3 'light':1
  3 | nothing is that hottie    | 'hotti':4 'noth':1
(3 rows)

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