Hi, we have latest PostGreSQL setup and it allows everyone to connect. When
I do \du, it gives following output and it is same for all users.

TechDB=# \du
                                  List of roles
   Role name   | Superuser | Create role | Create DB | Connections |  Member
 sonal          | no        | no          | no        | no limit    |
 sundar         | no        | no          | no        | no limit    |

Moreover, anyone can connect to databases as postgres user without giving

I am not aware how above setup has been made but I want to get rid of them.
Could anyone please help me in below questions?

  1. When user connects to TechDB database(or any other) as a "postgres"
user, it should ask for password.
  2. Remove all above users(listed with \du) and create someof users and
they will have only table creating privileges.


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