Wonderful! Thanks.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:03 AM, Richard Huxton <d...@archonet.com> wrote:

> On 23/02/10 17:15, dipti shah wrote:
>> Thanks. Putting $cmd in single quote resolve the error but it generated
>> other error. :(
>> mydb=>  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_create()
>>   RETURNS void AS
>> $BODY$
>> $cmd = "CREATE TABLE testtable(col varchar not null);";
>> spi_exec_query("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myfunc() RETURNS void AS
>> '$cmd'LANGUAGE plperl;");
>> spi_exec_query("SELECT myfunc();");
>> $BODY$
>>   LANGUAGE 'plperl';
>> mydb=>  SELECT test_create();
>> ERROR:  error from Perl function "test_create": error from Perl function
>> "myfunc": Can't locate object method "col" via package "varchar" (perhaps
>> you forgot to load "varchar"?) at line 1. at line 3.
> The function "myfunc" you are trying to create as plperl isn't perl. Either
> give it some perl or try "LANGUAGE SQL".
> --
>  Richard Huxton
>  Archonet Ltd

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