On 2010-02-22, beulah prasanthi wrote:
> Helo
>      I am working on spring project with postgres 8.4
> i wrote a function in postgrees which i am passing the
> argument email email[] array
> From front end we need to insesrt data into that emailarray
> .so i used java.arraylist.util
> while i am running i got the following error Please help me
> error:
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Cannot cast an instance of
> java.util.ArrayList to type Types.ARRAY

The array support in JDBC is imo nothing better than horrible. However,
the way to go is:
        Connection c = getConnection();
        Array arr = c.createArrayOf("text", email);

        PreparedStatement p = c.prepareStatement(...);
        p.setArray(index, arr);

Also notice, that there is no nice way to test array data in frameworks
like DBUnit and others.


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