On 3/3/2010 5:16 PM, Michael Gould wrote:
> One thing I've noticed is that on my machines, when I install the odbc
> driver I get no error messages but when I look in the ODBC administrator I
> do not see any entry for PostGres in the drivers list.
> I do know that it somehow is working because the DMC conversion tool only
> uses ODBC and builds it's data structures based on what it gets back from
> querying the database.
> Programs like WinSQL also work and I believe it uses ODBC.
> In the past I believe I remember seeing the Postgres driver listed in the
> ODBC admin tool under the drivers tab.
> I'm running on a Windows 7 64 bit machine and I'm logged into our domain as
> the domain administrator.  Is there something else I need to do to install
> the odbc driver under windows?  I've even turned UAC off and it didn't seem
> to help

Can't help on the Windows 7  ODBC  not  appearing in the drivers list

If you can manage to configure a Data Source Name  turn on the logging

then connect using this DSN in your DMC app just do a simple select

The log will get big quick so keep the selects small and use limit.  
This will allow to see what ODBC driver is up to

open the C:\mylog_XXX and look at and you will find all the commands 
sent the Postgresql and the results

then you will look for something like this.  This will tell us what the 
Select looks like and what being sent DMC app.

*[1444-387.642]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: 
trans_status=1, len=51, stmt='Select user_password from mediawiki.mwuser 
limit 10'*
[1444-387.645]   stmt_with_params = 'Select user_password from 
mediawiki.mwuser limit 10'
[1444-387.646]about to begin SC_execute
[1444-387.647]       Sending SELECT statement on stmt=02C5D8C0, 
cursor_name='SQL_CUR02C5D8C0' qflag=0,1
[1444-387.648]CC_send_query: conn=04313E00, query='Select user_password 
from mediawiki.mwuser limit 10'
*[1444-387.665]qresult: len=44, 
[1444-387.666]qresult: len=0, buffer=''
*[1444-387.667]qresult: len=44, 
[1444-387.667]qresult: len=0, buffer=''
[1444-387.668]qresult: len=0, buffer=''
[1444-387.668]qresult: len=0, buffer=''
[1444-387.669]qresult: len=0, buffer=''
[1444-387.669]qresult: len=0, buffer=''
[1444-387.670]qresult: len=0, buffer=''

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