On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 08:11:01PM -0400, Carlo Stonebanks wrote:
> Now THIS is a new one for me! I have no idea where to even start. Does  
> anyone know how to look for the error? Below is the query and what I 
> believe are the related log entries.
> Any help will be rewarded with heartfelt gratitude and praise, or you can 
> just come to Montreal and hit me up for a beer.

First, how much memory have you got?

> ERROR: out of memory
> SQL state: 53200
> Detail: Failed on request of size 134217728.

That's 128MB

>          HashBatchContext 66222872 total in 77 blocks; 4824944 free (75 
> chunks); 561397928 used
>          HashBatchContext 0847768 total in 16 blocks; 3739736 free (9 
> chunks); 47108032 used
>          HashBatchContext 35258136 total in 26 blocks; 4958688 free (24 
> chunks); 130299448 used
>          HashBatchContext 20192792 total in 36 blocks; 7649816 free (29 
> chunks); 212542976 used
>        TupleSort: 369090584 total in 46 blocks; 7648 free (25 chunks); 
> 369082936 used

That's a few hundred MB also. I'd suggest checking your work_mem
settings to see if you havn't gotten too much configured.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <klep...@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> Please line up in a tree and maintain the heap invariant while 
> boarding. Thank you for flying nlogn airlines.

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