On 7/22/2010 9:41 AM, P Kishor wrote:
I have been struggling with this for a while now, have even gone down
a few paths but struck out, so I turn now to the community for ideas.
First, the problem: Store six daily variables for ~ 25 years for cells
in a grid.

  * Number of vars = 6
  * Number of cells ~ 13 million
  * Number of days ~ 9125 (25 * 365)

Optimize the store for two different kinds of queries:

Query one: Retrieve the value of a single var for all or a portion of
the cells for a single day. This is analogous to an image where every
pixel is the value of a single var.

>      SELECT<var>  FROM d WHERE yr = ? AND yday = ?;
> SELECT<var> FROM d WHERE yr = ? AND yday = ? AND cell_id IN (?,?,?...);

Query two: Retrieve values for all the days or a duration of days for
a single var for a single cell. This is like grabbing a column out of
a table in which each row holds all the vars for a single day.
>      SELECT<var>  FROM d WHERE cell_id = ?;
>      SELECT<var>  FROM d WHERE cell_id IN (?,?,?...);

First, I must admit to not reading your entire email.

Second, Query 1 should be fast, regardless of how you layout the tables.

Third, Query 2 will return 13M rows? I dont think it matters how you layout the tables, returning 13M rows is always going to be slow.


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