On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 11:57 +0530, Sandeep Srinivasa wrote:

> What really, really hurts me is this - come Postgres 9.0 you will have
> the most amazing DB software in the open source community. I (and
> millions of small time developers like me) wont be able to leverage
> that - because our clients will still demand <insert well
> known/commercially supported web software>, which have no good support
> for postgres.
That is certainly a valid concern with Drupal. However I think you are
possibly looking at this the wrong way. If you look at Rails, Django,
Turbo Gears, Catalyst, Groovy+Grails they all have excellent PostgreSQL

What I find is that many "PHP" people that build software are still very
much MySQL folks and yes that is unfortunate.

I would note that all your concerns are resolved in Drupal 7. The real
question is when they will manage to get that out the door.


Joshua D. Drake

PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
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