Is there some justification for this behavior that I should know already? It
seemed awfully strange when some folkds here stumbled on it:

$ create user a;
$ create user b;
$ commit;
$ \c - a
$ create table foo (id integer primary key);
$ revoke all on foo from a;
$ grant all on foo to b;
$ commit;
$ \c - b
$ create table bar (foo_id integer references foo (id));
$ commit;
$ insert into bar values (1);
ERROR:  permission denied for relation foo
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."foo" x WHERE "id" 
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR SHARE OF x"

The key point seems to be that the owner of the referenced table has no
permissions on the table, although the referencing user does.

Joshua Tolley / eggyknap
End Point Corporation

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