On 8/23/2010 12:11 PM, atul.g...@globaldatapoint.com wrote:

Can cursors be returned to IBATIS. If so how. This is what I have written.

<parameterMap id=/"/ /getUsersParam"/ class=/"Map"/>

<parameter property=/"results"/ jdbcType=/"REF"/
javaType=/"java.sql.ResultSet"/ mode=/"OUT"/ resultMap=/"allUsersResult"//>

<parameter property=/"errors"/ jdbcType=/"VARCHAR"/
javaType=/"java.lang.String"/ mode=/"OUT"//>


This does not work. Please help.

There is a dedicated mailing list for MyBatis (renamed from iBATIS) over at http://www.mybatis.org. This question would probably be better addressed there. I use both PG and MyBatis so I saw your question. REF is not an acceptable MyBatis jdbcType. I'm trying with type OTHER as documented here:


But I'm running into an issue which I'll pursue on the MyBatis mailing list. Note that with the current refcursor implementation, there is no advantage over returning SETOF from your function. Both materialize the entire result set before returning to the caller. So, if you can't get refcursor to work, I'd suggest switching to SETOF.

I'll get back to you when I find out why OTHER is not working. Or else you can join the MyBatis mailing list.

Guy Rouillier

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