On October 29, 2010, "Dean Gibson (DB Administrator)" 
<postgre...@ultimeth.com> wrote:
> On 2010-10-29 11:17, Alan Hodgson wrote:
> > I'm curious about this too. It seems that currently I'd have to
> > rebuild any additional slaves basically from scratch to use the new
> > master.
> I think so long as you "pointed" (via primary_conninfo) the additional
> slaves to the new (pending) master, before you "touch"ed the pending
> master's trigger file, you should be OK, as all the DBs should be in
> sync at that point.

Yeah they're in sync data-wise, but do they think they're the same WAL 
stream for continuity? Would be nice.

A hybrid Escalade is missing the point much in the same way that having a 
diet soda with your extra large pepperoni pizza is missing the point.

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