On January 14, 2011, "Jaiswal Dhaval Sudhirkumar" <jaiswa...@microland.com> 
> Hi,
> I am looking for active-active clustering solution.
> I have one SAN box and two separate NODES, where I need to create
> active-active cluster. My data directory would be one and mounted to the
> SAN box for both the nodes. (There will be one sharable data directory
> for both the nodes) So the query which will come to the load balancer
> (pgpool) it will route to the node which has a less load. However, it
> will use the same data directory. It is nothing but the RAC kind of
> structure.  Now, my question is.
> 1)    Is it possible above implementation in PostgreSQL?
> 2)    Has someone implemented cluster in their production environment?
> Please experts share your thought/comments/experience how I shall achieve
> that.

You cannot run multiple PostgreSQL instances against the same data 

A hybrid Escalade is missing the point much in the same way that having a 
diet soda with your extra large pepperoni pizza is missing the point.

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