Hello. We have two problems (which may actually be related...)

1. We are running at over 90% capacity of the disk at one of the servers - a 
report/data warehouse system. We have ran out of disk space several times. Now 
we need to make some file-archived data available on the database to support 
our legal team. This means two huge tables to be added to the database. The 
only solution that I see is to add more space by means of another tablespace. 
The two tables are static - after loading them and creating indexes they will 
not be changed.

The machine has no additional room for internal disks. It is a recent purchase 
and not likely to be replaced any time soon. Now, my position is that the best 
solution would be to add an external hard disk, via USB/firewire, and use it 
for the archive tables. My sysadmin, on the other hand, wants to mount a 
storage machine remotely and use it for the extra tablespace, as the storage 
machine is a more reliable hardware. I think that remote mounted volumes are 
not a proper device for a database, as the network is subject to load and I've 
ran into frozen mounts in both NFS and SMB in the past. Never mind being slower.

Which solution would you advise and which one of us is right?

2. That database has a few really huge tables. I think they are not being 
automatically vacuumed properly. In the past few days I've noticed a vacuum 
process on one of them which has been running since January 14th. 
Unfortunately, it never finished, because we were informed of a scheduled power 
down in our building yesterday, and had to shut down the machine. The questions 

a. Is it normal for vacuum processes to take two weeks?
b. What happens if the vacuum process is stopped? Are the tuples partially 
recovered, or are they only recovered if the process completes properly?
c. Is there anything I can do to make vacuums shorter?
d. After restarting the server, all the data in pg_stat_user_tables seem to 
have been reset. What does this mean and how does this affect vacuum scheduling?

Thank you in advance,

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