On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 07:33:17PM -0700, Bosco Rama wrote:
>     1) a function that removes/creates the views, etc in the 'xyz' schema
>        that gets called as part of the replacement process for schema 'abc'
>     2) replacing the views, etc. with functions that return tables or
>        the results of dynamic queries.
>     3) have the user create the views, etc. as 'temp' items in their
>        session each time.  Though this may still conflict with the
>        replacement since there will still be a tight coupling between
>        the temp objects and the 'abc' schema and the replacement occurs
>        regardless of the current state of user connections.

#2 will screw up query planning substantially; I'd steer clear of it. The
other two options are essentially deciding whether you or your user will
recreate the xyz objects each time you replace abc. That's kinda a religious
issue, and depends on things like how stable your user expects the objects in
xyz to be.

Joshua Tolley / eggyknap
End Point Corporation

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