PostgreSQL community members:

Do you love the PostgreSQL project?  Do you want to contribute to it?
Do you want to help produce the next version of PostgreSQL? (9.2)

Well, you *can*.  You can be a patch reviewer -- one of the single most
valuable things you can contribute to the project.

You do not have to be a C coder to be a patch reviewer.  Pretty much all
you need to know is:
- how to checkout PostgreSQL from Git
- how to build PostgreSQL from source
- how to apply a patch

If you know those three things, you can help with patch review.  Of
course, if you do know C, you can be even more help ... and learn the
PostgreSQL source in the process.

We especially need folks who are able to build PostgreSQL on Windows, as
we have several Windows-specific patches and no reviewers for them.

The First CommitFest for version 9.2 is underway *right now* and we need
your help. Help PostgreSQL ... review a patch!

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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