
I have a table with a list of times.  When the user provides my application
with a

desired time, I want to show them the 5 times from the table that are
closest to their

input.  I expected to do this using abs() like such:


select mytime from mytable order by abs(usertime-mytime) asc limit 5;


However, the difference between times is an interval, and there appears to
be no

absolute value operator for those.  My next thought was to convert the

into integer like such:


select mytime from mytable order by abs((usertime-mytime) / interval '1
minute') asc limit 5;


However. there is no operator for interval division either.  The best
solution I've come up

with is to use a case statement.


select mytime from mytable

order by case when (usertime-mytime) < interval '0' 

then (mytime-usertime)

else (usertime-mytime) end asc limit 5;


Is this ugly query really necessary for postgres?




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