hi List,

As a result of writing a C 'postgres' function,  I have a memory
corruption problem.  Something is either being free twice or I am
accessing beyond the data structure and corrupting the malloc/free/sbrk
memory pool.

My attempts to memory support in glibc, that been stopped because
something seems to clear the envron before the postgres/postmaster program
is started(well ps does not report an envronment setting for this process)

Memory checking programs such as valgrind want direct control over the
postgres/postmaster process, ie they must fork the process and not the
postgres startup script from /etc/rc2.d

Q. How do inoke the postgres startup in such a way that my current
terminal becomes the controling terminal for the postgres/postmaster

I do not want to run the postgres/postmaster program as a background
deamin style process.

Thanks in advance



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