And I will be pleased that data is gone! I really did not expect anything but 
If I need such tolerant behavior, then this shall be a feature of my special 
app, not a feature of the database... If the developer does not know how to 
write sql, then is time to learn. If the problem is the dynamic generated Sql, 
then I must write more test cases to cover these new scenarios. But IMHO, 
database must fail always (syntax or not...).



Scott Marlowe <> escreveu:

>On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:50 AM, Edson Richter <> 
>> There is also the case of dynamically generated sql statements based on user 
>> selection... being syntax or not, I would never want half job done. Thia is 
>> the purpose of transactions: or all or nothing...
>This this this, and again, this.  Imagine:
>insert into tableb selcet * from tableb;
>truncate tableb;
>What should happen when we get to the error on the second line?  Keep
>going?  Boom, data gone because of a syntax error.

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