"EXT-Rothermel, Peter M" <peter.m.rother...@boeing.com> wrote:
> I have a temporal data question that may be much easier to handle
> in version 9.x but I am stuck on version 8.4.
That is unfortunate.  Getting this to work correctly in 8.4 will
probably be a lot more work than upgrading to 9.1 and getting it to
work there.
> One table has a time range that is implemented as start_time and
> end_time columns of type TIMESTAMP with Timezone.
> A second table has information that is needed to determine if
> there is a schedule conflict in the items in the first table.
> I am considering using row level INSERT and UPDATE triggers to
> prevent overlapping time ranges.
> TABLE campus (
>    id SERIAL,
>    ...
>    PRIMARY KEY (id)
> ) ;
>   id SERIAL,
>   campus_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
>   start_time timestamp NOT NULL,
>  stop_time timestamp NOT NULL,
>      ...
>   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> );
> Records in table B are not considered overlapping if their campus
> has its foo column set to FALSE.
> In my triggers (PL/pgSQL) I am using a expression like this
>   SELECT B.* INTO v_overlapping from INNER JOIN campus ON 
> (campus.id=B.campus_id)
>              where campus.colA = 't' AND (campus.start_time, 
> campus.stop_time) OVERLAPS (NEW.start_time, NEW.stop_TIME);
> I am worried that the transaction serialization will not do the
> predicate locking that is needed for concurrent inserts/updates.
To get that sort of predicate locking in PostgreSQL, you must be
using version 9.1 or later and the transactions must be using the
serializable transaction isolation level.  But for something like
this, you might be better off using the "exclusion constraint"
feature of 9.0 and later.  (The only reason I say "might" instead of
"would" is that I'm not sure that feature can handle the
complication of the boolean in a separate table.)
> Can I use add a FOR UPDATE clause to my SELECT INTO expression in
> PL/pgSQL ?
That won't help -- it just locks the actual rows read; it doesn't
protect against insertion of conflicting rows.  You could use
explicit locking to actually serialize the transactions which do
this.  There are other options, but none of them are pretty.

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