On 5/9/2013 11:34 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Karl Denninger escribió:
>>> To encode:
>>> write_conn = Postgresql communication channel in your software that is
>>> open to write to the table
>>> char    *out;
>>> size_t    out_length, badge_length;
>>> badge_length = function-to-get-length-of(badge_binary_data);  /* You
>>> have to know how long it is */
>>> out = PQescapeByteaConn(write_conn, badge_binary_data, badge_length,
>>> &out_length); /* Convert */
>>> That function allocates the required memory for the conversion.
> I think you're better off with PQexecParams() so that you don't have to
> encode the image at all; just load it in memory and use it as a
> parameter.
Yeah, you can go that route too.

Karl Denninger
/Cuda Systems LLC/

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