Please see the comment at the bottom of this post.

On 16/01/14 22:52, itishree sukla wrote:
Thanks for your reply, i am totally new to Postgis.
At least you've got into it, I keep meaning do do so myself.

we have Database, but not ready for Geocode use. what i understood from different blog, we should have latitude and longitude either based on addresses, or postal code we have. However if I will get the lat and long, need to calculate earth distance to give location based on user location. Formula i got, is calculating shortest distance, which always not true practically. Please address my concern, how i will get rid of these issues.


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:28 PM, Oleg Bartunov < <>> wrote:

    check knn search,

    On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 8:04 PM, itishree sukla
    < <>> wrote:
    > Deal all,
    > In my project, there is a requirement to implement proximity
    search feature.
    > We are running a mobile app, for which proximity search is
    require. Can any
    > one guide me how i can achieve this using postgis, or is there
    any other way
    > i can achieve this.
    > We are using postgresql 9.2.
    > Thanks in advance .
    > Regards,
    > Itishree

Pleas bottom post like I am here, it is the norm for these mailing lists. Some comments interspersed are also okay.

It makes it easier for people to see the context of what you are saying.


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