Hi all:

I have a table that has multiple records for a single owner_id.  I'm able to 
use array_arg to combine the records into a single row, which works fine.  I'm 
using this sql:

select owner_id, array_agg(trim(maplot)), array_agg(revallandvalue + 
revalbuildingvalues) from parcel group by owner_id;

Which results in the following (sometimes there's only one record per 
aggregate, sometimes multiple):

1030600;"{"154    191"}";"{244690}"
1030900;"{"22    202"}";"{217210}"
1031130;"{"113    135","113    138","113    132","113    130","113    133","113 
   127","113    126","113    131","113    129","113    136","113    125","113   
 137","113    134","113    

What I want to do, is where there are more than 5 rows involved in the 
aggregate, as in the last example, to split it into multiple rows of 5 
aggregated rows.  It's for a mailing list and I want to combine like addresses 
into one record, but if I'm over 5, I have to print the rest on a separate 

1031130;"{"113    135","113    138","113    132","113    130","113    
1031130;"{"113    127","113    126","113    131","113    129","113    
136"}";"{7700, 7700,7700,7700,191770}"
1031130;"{"113    125","113    137","113    134","113    

 It looks like I should be able to use the window function to do this, but I've 
been unsuccessful.  The following runs, but doesn't seem to have any effect:

select owner_id, array_agg(trim(maplot)), array_agg(revallandvalue + 
revalbuildingvalues) from parcel group by owner_id
window mywindow as (rows between current row and 5 following);

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should try?


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