Em 18/03/2014 17:17, Francisco Olarte escreveu:

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Edson Richter <edsonrich...@hotmail.com <mailto:edsonrich...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

    Since my table can have more than one "character varying(20)"
    inside, would be useful to know which one has throw the error...
    Is there any reasoning (security, perhaps) for hiding column name
    in the error?

Maybe they are not hiding it, but the error is raised by a value checking routine which does not know where the value comes from / goes to ( ie, it's a 'check_varchar(xx, maxlen), which is used to check columns, function aprameters, type casts....) ( that happens to me in my own code in some places where the context / error message is extremely difficult to propagate down / up ) .

Francisco Olarte.

Thanks, Francisco. I don't know internals.
But, doesn't the "value checking routing" caller's know which column is being tested?


*Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter*
/Sistemas para Bibliotecas, Escolinhas Infantis
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