
here is an example of a problem I encounter with json_populate_recordset
because it does not support nested object. Actually, I would prefer that it
ignores nested object rather than raise an error, as it fails on a key I
don't even want to use!

Here's the query:

select e.timestamp::date, e.user_id, rs.similarity from
  (select * from events where type='suggestion' and timestamp<'2014-04-04'
and timestamp>'2014-04-03') e
  json_populate_recordset(null::suggestion, event->'products') rs
order by e.user_id;

event->'products' is an array of json objects, one of this keys (stock)
being an array of json objects. I can absolutely ignore that key in this
query, but I don't see how. The suggestion type does not have a stock key,
so it would be absent of the result anyway.

So, how would you get event->'products' without the stock keys, just to be
able to call json_populate_recordset?



PS: this might be seen as a followup to a previous mail thread:
but I don't see how to apply that suggestion here.

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