thanks Tim,
I ran yum whatprovides and received "no matches found".
I believe that pgadmin3 uses wxWidgets (according to the web site) but I can 
not find them in installable rpm format for Red Hat/Oracle Linux 6.x on their 
web site.
the gtk libraries are already installed on my Linux, as is postgres 9.4. The 
errors from pgadmin3 installation appear to be specific to libwx_gtk* 
libraries, which are probably part of
I find this hard to believe that to just install and use pgadmin3 (as a DBA, 
not as a C++ programmer!) on Red Hat/Oracle Linux I must be building complete 
C++ application from sources using all sorts of disparate libraries. wxWidgets, 
I am sure, will have a bunch of other prerequisites, its like a dog chasing its 
tail. I just want to install and use pgadmin3 on one of the most common Linux 
platforms, RHEL.I expected smooth sailing, the PostgreSQL 9.4 was certainly 
easy to install and get going on RHEL/OL. Alas, not pgadmin4.
What have I missed? Is there a step by step document describing how to do this 
(i failed to find it)?Is the prerequisite for pdagmin3 *installation* requires 
mastery of all of: Linux, C++ and wsWidgets? 
Is pgadmin3 not a widely used tool by PostgeSQL DBA community which is why 
there is such lack of good documentation on how to install it?

Thank you for reading thus far.Yuri Budilov

Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 10:56:34 +0000
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] pgadmin3 installation on Oracle Linux 6.6 64-bit ?

    Yuri the 'gtk' part suggests graphics libraries to me. Since Oracle
    linux is built on RedHat you can usefully use 'yum' package manager
    to search that distribution's installed repositories for your file


    sudo yum whatprovides \*libwx\*


    You may want to pipe that to less since it may give a long answer.
    Scan down for packages that will provide your libwx* file(s) and
    then install with 'yum install (package)'.


    Good luck!

    Tim Clarke
    On 28/03/15 01:14, Yuri Budilov wrote:

      Hello everyone.

        I am new to PostgreSQL and Linux (coming across from
          Microsoft SQL Server).

        I installed PostgreSQL 9.4 on Oracle Linux 6.6 and its
          working ok (psql, etc). 
        Now I try to install pgadmin3 on the same OS.


          I am having problems installing pdadmin3 rpms on Oracle
            Linux 6.6 64-bit.
          I selected the RedHat compatible installation i.e.
            without the Oracle enterprise kernel.
          It complains about missing libwx_gtk* packages when I try
            to do yum install pgadmin3*.86_64.rpm.

          The ISO file for Oracle Linux 6.6 (Packages directory of
            the distribution) does not have libwx* rpms and the gtk*
            rpms are already installed on my Oracle Linux 6.6 if I try
            to install them again. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong

          Is there any document or web site which clearly tells me
            what i need to pre-install so that I can install pgadmin3 on
            Oracle Linux 6.x 64-bit ?

          I prefer not downloading the source code and trying to
            build it all in-place, so looking for binaries ready to be
            installed using rpm or yum. I dont have Red Hat support
            contract, hoping to make it work on Oracle Linux 6.6 with
            RHEL kernel.

          If this is the wrong forum for this question - please
            tell me where to ask this question.

          many thanks in advance
          Yuri Budilov

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