On 10/23/2015 07:29 AM, Day, David wrote:
I have a development site ( FreeBSD 10.1 and Postgres 9.3 )  where I can
connect to the database via psql or pgadminIII both locally and remotely.

However, all of the local apps ( 3 different ones )  that would connect
to it are failing to  connect.

I see no error events in the messages/postgres log files related to bad

I suspect something with name resolution,

The hosts, hosts.conf and resolv.conf files are set to resolv first via
the hosts file

And the hostname and localhost are properly defined there.

The site installation did have some initial DNS setup issues.  However
this command works fine locally.

“psql –U <role>  -h <hostname> database.

i.e. name resolution works locally fine for psql.

The problem does not go away on shutting down and starting up the system
( Virtual Machine )

Is there anything on the postgres side that might explain this situation ?

What are the connection parameters for the local apps versus the ones you used above for psql?

In particular the user?

What is in your pg_hba.conf file?

When you say locally are you talking about everything happening in the VM or between the host machine and the VM or some combination thereof?

What are your logging parameters in postgresql.conf?

Will likely re-install and see if the problem goes away. ( build of the
day problem ? )

It is an interesting puzzle at the moment.



Adrian Klaver

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