Hello all,
I've got 2 more questions. The cron job is now setup and email gets
generated with proper body.

I've one setup with NFS which appears to work smoothly. Now soon, I will be
given a Linux VM on a different physical server, but will retain my NFS
mount. I've installed Postgres 9.4 using the graphical installer and
specified the directory for the nfs mount.

1) When I move to the new VM, can I keep using that NFS mount without
having to do a re-install of PG? This would be a different physical

2) I have a cron job that deletes log files older than 10 days, but I am
noticing rather large log files. Is there a way to limit the size of log

users do upserts and they are valid, but those are getting dumped as error
statements. I set the verbosity to "terse", but still seeing lots of log

My settings are as follows:
postgres=#  select name,setting,unit from pg_settings where name like
            name             |            setting             | unit
 log_autovacuum_min_duration | -1                             | ms
 log_checkpoints             | off                            |
 log_connections             | off                            |
 log_destination             | stderr                         |
 log_directory               | pg_log                         |
 log_disconnections          | off                            |
 log_duration                | off                            |
 log_error_verbosity         | terse                          |
 log_executor_stats          | off                            |
 log_file_mode               | 0600                           |
 log_filename                | postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log |
 log_hostname                | off                            |
 log_line_prefix             | %t                             |
 log_lock_waits              | off                            |
 log_min_duration_statement  | -1                             | ms
 log_min_error_statement     | error                          |
 log_min_messages            | error                          |
 log_parser_stats            | off                            |
 log_planner_stats           | off                            |
 log_rotation_age            | 1440                           | min
 log_rotation_size           | 10240                          | kB
 log_statement               | none                           |
 log_statement_stats         | off                            |
 log_temp_files              | -1                             | kB
 log_timezone                | EST5EDT                        |
 log_truncate_on_rotation    | off                            |
 logging_collector           | on                             |
 syslog_facility             | local0                         |
 syslog_ident                | postgres                       |
 wal_log_hints               | off                            |
(30 rows)


Thank you.

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