What do you mean that the data is actually not stored in the shared buffer.  
>From the link you provided :
"The “shared_buffers” configuration parameter determines how much memory 
is dedicated to PostgreSQL to use for caching data."

This seems to be the same like other RDBMS. Typically the terminology used is 
Buffer Pool. 
BP is used to cache the changes done to a page and the page cleaning
process periodically flushes the dirty pages to disk.
Checkpoints typically gurantees that at a given time a page in cache is same as 
on the disk and is usually
used as the start time for roll forward recovery.

Does PG follow a different architecture ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Melvin Davidson <melvin6...@gmail.com>

NOTE: It is very important you provide the version of PostgreSQL and O/S when 
addressing this mail list. That is so others searching the archives in the 

can determine it's pertenance.

That being said, It looks to me like you have a misunderstanding about how 
PostgreSQL uses shared_buffers. Data is not actually stored in the 
Please refer to the following url which explains it's usage.



Melvin Davidson
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you 
 wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you. 

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