On 02/19/2016 06:01 AM, Jiří Hlinka wrote:

I'd like to ask you whether there is a way how to monitor and log
details about NOTIFY queue? What do you use for this prupose?

In the official documentation I'm unable to find a way how to monitor
NOTIFY queue in more detail, at least size of this queue, which is
critical in case of filling up the queue, which will lead to stopping
the NOTIFY queue functionality.

Should have added from:


"Once the queue is half full you will see warnings in the log file pointing you to the session that is preventing cleanup. In this case you should make sure that this session ends its current transaction so that cleanup can proceed"

Where the message is of form(from async.c):

(errmsg("NOTIFY queue is %.0f%% full", fillDegree * 100),
                                 (minPid != InvalidPid ?
errdetail("The server process with PID %d is among those with the oldest transactions.", minPid)
                                  : 0),
                                 (minPid != InvalidPid ?
errhint("The NOTIFY queue cannot be emptied until that process ends its current transaction.")
                                  : 0)));


Adrian Klaver

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