On Sunday, March 13, 2016, Ken Tanzer <ken.tan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.  Is there a way with to_char to suppress a decimal point, like a
> leading or trailing 0, so that integers will not have them, but non-ints
> will?  I'm hoping I'm missing something easy.  Thanks.
> Ken
> SELECT val,to_char(val::decimal(6,2),'FM999,999D99') FROM
> ( SELECT 1 AS val UNION SELECT 1.05 AS val) foo;
>  val  | to_char
> ------+---------
>     1 | 1.
>  1.05 | 1.05
Not seeing a native way to do so - and I'd question doing so as a general
rule - though you know your domain.  If you must have this you will want to
utilize regexp_replace to identify the situation and replace it.  A simple
"\.$" check and a substring would work also.

David J.

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