On 05/04/2016 14:44, Oleg Bartunov wrote:

On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Howard News <howardn...@selestial.com <mailto:howardn...@selestial.com>> wrote:


    does anyone have any pointers for shrinking tsvectors

    I have looked at the contents of some of these fields and they
    contain many details that are not needed. For example...

    "'+1':935,942 '-0500':72 '-0578':932 '-0667':938 '-266':937
    '-873':944 '-9972':945 '/partners/application.html':222
    '/partners/reseller.html':181,1073 '01756':50,1083 '07767':54,1087
    '1':753,771 '12':366 '14':66 (...)"

    I am not interested in keeping the numbers or urls in the indexes.

select strip ('asd:23');
(1 row)

Hi Oleg,

Is this function documented anywhere?


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