Le 22/04/2016 19:11, Adrian Klaver a écrit :
Last time I had to do this kind of exercise, a few years ago, I was in a
remote place without Internet access, so I could not get any information
or ask any help.  I was kind of surprised/frustrated by the (apparent)
lack of order of the pg_dump output.  So I manually wrote scripts to
export the tables and views' definitions separately, one by one, (using
pg_dump, of course) and stack them in the order I wished into a large
file.  That was quite suboptimal, but it worked as expected, and I was
able to diff and patch correctly.

You realize there is pg_restore -l and pg_restore -L :


Yes, thanks for the advice. Now I remember that I had used it also: I just found these notes in my numeric attic:

  # pierre@autan: ~        < 2013_08_17__17_00_23 >
pg_restore -l database_2013_08_14_20h34.pg_dump -n pierre > tt_schema_pierre

  # pierre@autan: ~        < 2013_08_17__17_00_23 >
vi tt_schema_pierre

  # pierre@autan: ~        < 2013_08_17__17_00_23 >
cat tt_schema_pierre
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pierre.dh_collars;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pierre.dh_litho;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pierre.dh_sampling_grades;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pierre.dh_sampling;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pierre.topo_points;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pierre.baselines;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pierre.dh_devia;

I just cannot remember why it did not fulfill my needs, so that I rather opted to pg_dump's.

It does not solve all problems but it does do some ordering and is amenable to 
imported as space separated file for further ordering :

aklaver@panda:~> pg_restore -l test.out
; Archive created at Fri Apr 22 10:07:50 2016
;     dbname: test
;     TOC Entries: 67
;     Compression: -1
;     Dump Version: 1.12-0
;     Format: CUSTOM
;     Integer: 4 bytes
;     Offset: 8 bytes
;     Dumped from database version: 9.4.6
;     Dumped by pg_dump version: 9.4.6
; Selected TOC Entries:
2702; 1262 983301 DATABASE - test postgres
9; 2615 1298825 SCHEMA - MASTER_USER postgres
8; 2615 2200 SCHEMA - public postgres
2703; 0 0 COMMENT - SCHEMA public postgres
2704; 0 0 ACL - public postgres
2; 3079 12456 EXTENSION - plpgsql
2705; 0 0 COMMENT - EXTENSION plpgsql

Thanks, I'll dig a bit more in pg_restore, for my current issues.

Pierre Chevalier
PChGEI: Pierre Chevalier Géologue Et Informaticien
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    32100 Condom
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