On 11 May 2016 at 09:06, Lucas Possamai <drum.lu...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> My crystal ball is not working,  you have a PostgreSQL version?
> Maybe you should have a look on the subject of this email...
>> in postgresql.conf are track_activities and track_counts both on?
> yes
>> Did you ANALYZE the table after you re-added the index?
> Yes

Also.. just to let you guys know:

Some time ago I changed the pg_stat_temp directory from
/var/lib/pgsq/whatever to /tmp


> stats_temp_directory = '/tmp/pg_stat_tmp'

I tested it and it's "working":

> #su - postgres
> #cd /tmp/pg_stat_tmp
> #touch test.html

ls -la /tmp/pg_stat_tmp:

> -rw-------  1 postgres postgres 263110 May 10 21:12 pgstat.stat

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