Le 17/05/2016 11:25, Geoff Winkless a écrit :
but they are still looking for a sort of Holy Grail that would definitely
convince them.  A standard client tool that would come with any
installation would please them.  Some sort of psqlGUI, I guess.

Why reinvent the wheel? I would say that putting the development
effort into the OpenOffice Base app would be time better spent.

True. But I must say that I would be looking towards something a bit lighter. LibreOffice is a bit of a heavyweight, IMHO. The "Base" is kind of bizarre to use, I always miss some of its logic, somehow. I have to try its latest version, see if it's decently usable for a lambda user.

Sorry if I missed something but what's wrong with pgadmin3 ?
There's nothing wrong with pgadmin as such.

Yes, nothing wrong at all. It is not meant to make UI. Just some basic features are implemented for table data editing.

 From the very email you just quoted:
they want to design their forms
ie (as I understand it) they're after some sort of RAD tool.

Yes, that's it, in a way. Although designing forms is not what I would call AD (application development)... When you look back at dBase III or IV, the text user interface which allowed to interact with the data was very simple, and efficient. Designing forms (I didn't do much of these, and I can't remember well) was quite straightforward, and was not at all what I would call an "application development". The latter would be made by using clipper, most often.

Pierre Chevalier
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