
In my quest of JSONB querying and searching without having to actually cast 
into a text, I found JSQuery

I do admit my JSONB knowledge shortcoming and I am not a developer but a DBA. 
As such some examples would be greatly appreciated since I tend to understand 

I compiled and installed the extension

1       -       Exact matching without knowing the hierarchy, just the key and 
element, I built a set like

col1 |                       col2                       
   1 | {"Home Email": {"EmailAddress": "1...@yahoo.com"}}
   2 | {"Home Email": {"EmailAddress": "2...@yahoo.com"}}
   3 | {"Home Email": {"EmailAddress": "3...@yahoo.com"}}

JSQuqery is super 

SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE col2 @@ '*.EmailAddress = "1...@yahoo.com"';

Now I can do a performance boost using

CREATE INDEX idx1 ON test1 USING GIN (col2 jsonb_value_path_ops);

I see this yield


testdb=# explain analyze^JSELECT * FROM test1 WHERE col2 @@ '*.EmailAddress = 
Seq Scan on test1  (cost=0.00..12423.00 rows=500 width=68) (actual 
time=0.016..160.777 rows=1 loops=1)
  Filter: (col2 @@ '*."EmailAddress" = "1...@yahoo.com"'::jsquery)
  Rows Removed by Filter: 499999
Planning time: 0.042 ms
Execution time: 160.799 ms
(5 rows)


testdb-# SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE col2 @@ '*.EmailAddress = "1...@yahoo.com"';
Bitmap Heap Scan on test1  (cost=31.88..1559.32 rows=500 width=68) (actual 
time=0.018..0.019 rows=1 loops=1)
  Recheck Cond: (col2 @@ '*."EmailAddress" = "1...@yahoo.com"'::jsquery)
  Heap Blocks: exact=1
  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx1  (cost=0.00..31.75 rows=500 width=0) (actual 
time=0.011..0.011 rows=1 loops=1)
        Index Cond: (col2 @@ '*."EmailAddress" = "1...@yahoo.com"'::jsquery)
Planning time: 0.039 ms
Execution time: 0.038 ms
(7 rows)

A whooping 4000 times improvement

But I also noticed a vodka index 

testdb=# CREATE INDEX idx2 ON
testdb-# test1 USING vodka (col2);
ERROR:  access method "vodka" does not exist

What am I missing ?

2       -       Is there anyway I can accomplish a pattern and/or case 
insensitive search using JSQuery similar to 

select * from test2 where upper((col2 -> 'Home Email') ->> 'EmailAddress') 
ilike '%3%YAH%';

select * from test2 where (col2 -> 'Home Email') ->> 'EmailAddress' like 

If so what indexing strategy can be used to have similar gains as above ? 

Many thanks for any help


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