You didn't mention which version either of those machines are running. I
believe in 7.1 Postgres the database filenames changed to a numerical
database id of some sort. Prior to that, they were named the same as the
database. I don't know the reasoning behind the switch, but I'm fairly sure
it was to make some future features easier to implement. Anyway, I suspect
that your Solaris machine is running a version of 7.1 (RC1?) while your
Linux box has 7.0.3?


> check this:
> On Solaris SPARC:
> postgres@bugs:/space/local/pgsql > ls -l data/base/
> total 15
> drwx------   2 postgres staff        1536 Mar 29 10:57 1
> drwx------   2 postgres staff        1536 Mar 29 10:10 18719
> drwx------   2 postgres staff        1536 Mar 29 10:58 18723
> drwx------   2 postgres staff        2048 Mar 29 10:58 18816
> drwx------   2 postgres staff        1536 Mar 29 10:58 19057
> drwx------   2 postgres staff        2560 Mar 29 10:58 19169
> drwx------   2 postgres staff        1536 Mar 29 10:58 19941
> postgres@bugs:/space/local/pgsql > psql -l
>     List of databases
>    Database   |  Owner
> --------------+----------
>  horde        | postgres
>  lismarch     | postgres
>  pruebas      | postgres
>  resoluciones | postgres
>  template0    | postgres
>  template1    | postgres
>  unl          | postgres
> (7 rows)
> postgres@bugs:/space/local/pgsql >
> On Linux/Intel:
> [postgres@math pgsql]$ ls -l data/base/
> total 14
> drwx------   2 postgres postgres     2048 Jan 29 12:16 horde
> drwx------   2 postgres postgres     3072 Feb 27 09:51 katedra
> drwx------   2 postgres postgres     3072 Feb 12 09:44 template1
> drwx------   2 postgres postgres     4096 Jan 25 18:49 tesis
> drwx------   2 postgres postgres     2048 Feb 12 19:01 test
> [postgres@math pgsql]$ psql -l
>         List of databases
>  Database  |  Owner   | Encoding
> -----------+----------+-----------
>  horde     | postgres | SQL_ASCII
>  katedra   | postgres | SQL_ASCII
>  template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
>  tesis     | postgres | SQL_ASCII
>  test      | postgres | SQL_ASCII
> (5 rows)
> [postgres@math pgsql]$
> Why does solaris use that horrable denomination for the different
> of the databases?
> Saludos... :-)
> --
> El mejor sistema operativo es aquel que te da de comer.
> Cuida tu dieta.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Martin Marques                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Programador, Administrador      |       Centro de Telematica
>                        Universidad Nacional
>                             del Litoral
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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