Hi guys,

I've got the following query:

>   accounts AS (
>         c.id AS company_id,
>         c.name_first AS c_first_name,
>         c.name_last AS c_last_name,
>         c.company AS c_name,
>     FROM public.clients c
>     WHERE id = 33412393
>     ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 100
>     )
>         SELECT
>                 r.parts[4]::INT AS account_id,
>                 r.parts[6]::INT AS n_id,
>                 r.parts[9] AS variation,
>                 size,
> FROM (
>         SELECT
>                   string_to_array(full_path, '/') AS parts,
>                   size
>   FROM public.segments s
>   WHERE public.f_get_account_from_full_path(s.full_path) IN (SELECT
> company_id FROM accounts)
> ) r

... and I want to get only the greatest note_id order by size,

How can I put this query into the above one?

>                 SELECT DISTINCT ON
>                         (n_id) n_id,
>                         MAX(size)
>                 FROM
>                         test1
>                 GROUP BY
>                         note_id, size, st_ino, account_id
>                 ORDER BY
>                         note_id, size desc

DISTINCT ON (r.parts[6]::INT) AS n_id - it doesn't work...


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