> On 30 Oct 2016, at 10:31, Kiran <bangalore.ki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> I have a  table cf_question with 31 rows.
> I want to insert/update another table cf_user_question_link  when cf_question 
> table is inserted/updated with row(s). 
> I have written trigger function for this as follows. 
>       CREATE FUNCTION user_question_link() RETURNS trigger AS
>       $user_question_link$
>       begin
>       SET search_path TO monolith;
>        INSERT INTO
>        cf_user_question_link(cf_user_id,cf_question_id)
>        VALUES(NEW.user_id,NEW.cf_question_id);
>       RETURN NEW;
>       end;
>       $user_question_link$
>       LANGUAGE plpgsql 
>       COST 100;
> /* Call the trigger function */
>       CREATE TRIGGER insert_user_question_link AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE
>       ON monolith.cf_question
>       FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE user_question_link();
> Problem: The cf_user_question_link gets inserted with 94 rows instead of 31 
> rows. The 31 rows are repeated 3 times 
>                  I tried dropping the trigger function and recreating it but 
> with the same 94 rows in the table.
> It would be great if any from the forum point to me where I am doing wrong.

I don't think you want that same trigger to fire on UPDATE of cf_question, like 
you do now.

On UPDATE you have two choices;
- either you need to take changes to those _id columns into account and delete 
rows that belong to the OLD link and not to the NEW one (or do nothing if those 
stayed the same)
- or you do nothing (no trigger needed) because in the majority of cases 
changing FK's is limited to a few power users at best and they're supposed to 
know what they're doing.

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.

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