On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:43 AM, otar shavadze <oshava...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have table with 500 000 rows, I have int[] column "my_array" in this
> table, this array column contains minimum 1 and maximum 5 different values.
> I have GIN index on my_array column:
> * "CREATE INDEX idx ON table_name USING GIN(my_array gin__int_ops)"*
> Then I use this query: "*SELECT * FROM  table_name WHERE my_array @>
> '{3}'::integer[]  ORDER BY id LIMIT 50"*
> Execution time of this query is approximately 500-1000 ms. Then if I drop
> gin index "*idx*", query works extremely fast, less than 20 ms.

Please post the information requested here:

Also, can you show,

select * from pg_stats where tablename ='table_name' and attname='my_array'



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