It should not be possible because a group does not return to the
update pool before the update hasn't finished.
I watched the queries in a postgres client and there was no overlap I could see.
I don't really know what to make from this behavior, sometimes when I
start the application a few updates go through and eventually it will
lock up completely and sometimes it locks up immediately - always with
heap_hot_search_buffer using ~20 of all CPU time on the system.

2016-11-24 19:14 GMT+01:00 Adrian Klaver <>:
> On 11/23/2016 10:41 PM, azhwkd wrote:
>> The group ID is part of the primary key of the group_history table. My
>> understanding is that two INSERTs with different group IDs should not
>> collide in this case, or am I wrong in thinking this?
> After fresh coffee:
> In your first post you had this:
> "(In the application this
> query is run up to 10 times in parallel with different parameters)"
> where the parameters look to be a timestamp and a group id.
> Is it possible that the combination of parameters over the 10 different
> queries is not actually selecting rows in each result set that are unique
> over (group,id,sub_category,"date","hour") between result sets?
>> The table definition for group_history is the following:
>> CREATE TABLE public.group_history (
>> group int4 NOT NULL,
>> id int4 NOT NULL,
>> sub_category int4 NOT NULL,
>> "date" date NOT NULL,
>> aa int8 NOT NULL,
>> ab int8 NOT NULL,
>> bb int8 NOT NULL,
>> ba int8 NOT NULL,
>> quantity int8 NOT NULL,
>> "hour" int2 NOT NULL,
>> CONSTRAINT group_history_pk PRIMARY KEY
>> (group,id,sub_category,"date","hour")
>> )
>> WITH (
>> );
>> Kind regards,
>> Sebastian
> --
> Adrian Klaver

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