On Sun, 4 Dec 2016, Martin Collins wrote:

   The problem with kexi is that it does not run on Microsoft OSes which is
what my clients use.

There is a Windows package in the works, apparently. Version 3 already
builds on Windows.


  However, it is highly unlikely that my clients (all large industrial
companies) would install anything other than what they buy from Microsoft.
Unfortunate, but true.

Flask has a simple SQLAlchemy wrapper now. It is also based on bootstrap
though I don't know how the widget set compares with Phoenix,

  Based on advice from someone who builds postgres applications for a living
I decided that for my purposes as a non-professional application developer
the most parsimonious approach is to simplify to postgres (model),
wxPython/Phoenix- (view), and Python3 (controller) with SQL embedded
in the appropirate methods. This will result in a stand-alone application
that can be packaged for easy installation and use by clients.

Thanks very much for your suggestions,


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