I have  a big,big table, this  big table  is referenced  by another tables
by foreign keys.

I have a performance issues so i decide partition it by month ->

after i have been created  the partition tables i try to insert data but
foreign key constraint doesn't allow
the insertion.

I try set to deferrable those constraints but doesn work.  only works if i
drop those constraints :(

What can i do  to set foreign keys  referencing a  big table from partition

Here the process in detail:

0.  I have a big_table with  many constraint.
    I have a tables, T1,T2,T3,T4 referencing id from bigtable like foreign

1. Backup T1..T4 tables.

2. Delete records from T1..T4 tables. I must delete if not then point 6

3. Rename bigtable to  temp_bigtable.

4. Create  master bigtable with same  DDL

5. Create child/partitionated tables inherits from big_table. and create
the same constraint and indexes like big_table

6. Reset sequences, views and constraint to the new bigtable.  When  you
rename a table the views and sequences related  to bigtable are renamed to
temp_bigtable too.

7. Create a function to insert data to the right partition table using

8. insert data with the function created.

and  I got:
ERROR:  insert or update on table "T1" violates foreign key constraint
DETAIL:  Key (id_stl_msg)=(26874097) is not present in table "bigtable".
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "WITH upsert AS (
UPDATE T1 SET id_stl_msg = v_id_stl_msg  WHERE id_trun = in_idtrun
INSERT INTO T1 (id_trun, id_stl_msg)
SELECT in_idtrun, v_id_stl_msg WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM upsert)"

But if drop the constraint works fine ....

What can i do to set foreign keys refrencing a id from bigtable or
partition table?

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