On 23/12/16 15:44, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
Hi list,
sorry for this OT.

I have a table on postgresql like this:

id serial not null,
srcaddr varchar(16) not null

I use this table to store ip address. I've used also inet type but
changed to see if this solves my problem.

From psql, I run:

select count(*) from bs_ipsource where srcaddr = '';

and query is performed.

From php I'm trying to do the same with this code:

$ipsrc = "";

$query = pg_query_params($dbcon, "SELECT count(*) from bs_ipsource where
srcaddr = $1", array($ipsrc));
if(!$query) { print error...}

Are you sure it's failing? Try this:

if ($query === false) {

PHP has funny ideas about what's true and false.


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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