Hi David,

thanks for the answer. I read this in documentation but here there is a
corner case that I am not sure how to handle:
This requires more care in the archive_command, as it must be careful to
not overwrite an existing file with different contents, *but return success
if the exactly same file is archived twice.*
But what I am supposed to do when content differs? Still return success and
ignore or return error? If I return error, wouldn't that prevent wal
archiver slave from pushing further WALs?


On 28 February 2017 at 02:10, David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 5:40 PM, Sasa Vilic <sasavi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Aren't WALs from master and standby supposed to be identical?
> ​This would seem unwise to assume on its face and at least one piece of
> documentation directly mentions that it is false:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/warm-standby.
> """
> When continuous WAL archiving is used in a standby, there are two
> different scenarios: the WAL archive can be shared between the primary and
> the standby, or the standby can have its own WAL archive. When the standby
> has its own WAL archive, set archive_mode to always, and the standby will
> call the archive command for every WAL segment it receives, whether it's by
> restoring from the archive or by streaming replication. *The shared
> archive can be handled similarly, but the archive_command must test if the
> file being archived exists already, and if the existing file has identical
> contents*. This requires more care in the archive_command, as it must be
> careful to not overwrite an existing file with different contents, but
> return success if the exactly same file is archived twice. And all that
> must be done free of race conditions, if two servers attempt to archive the
> same file at the same time.
> """
> ​The contents of both must match with respect to the data files but there
> are likely things that go into the master WAL stream solely for the purpose
> of communicating with a standby - ​and possibly some standby concepts that
> would be unique to the standby's WAL - that would cause them to differ.
> Not familiar enough to quickly list examples of what those might be.  But
> IIUC the system seems designed around master->slave replication and doesn't
> support slave daisy-chains.
> David J.

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