Ken Tanzer wrote:
> Hi.  I've got a recurring problem with character encoding for a 
> Postgres-based web PHP app, and am
> hoping someone can clue me in or at least point me in the right direction.  
> I'll confess upfront my
> understanding of encoding issues is extremely limited.  Here goes.
> The app uses a Postgres database, UTF-8 encoded.  Through their browsers, 
> users can add and edit
> records often including text.  Most of the time this works fine.  Though 
> sometimes this will fail with
> Postgres complaining, for example, "Could query with ... , The error text 
> was: ERROR: invalid byte
> sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe9 0x20 0x67"
> So this generally happens when people copy and paste things out of their word 
> documents and such.
> As I understand it, those are likely encoded in something non-UTF-8, like 
> WIN-1251 or something.  And
> that one way or another, the encoding needs to be translated before it can be 
> placed into the
> database.  I'm not clear how this is supposed to happen though.  
> Automatically by the browser?  Done
> in the app?  Some other way?  And if in the app, how is one supposed to know 
> what the incoming
> encoding is?
> Thanks in advance for any help or pointers.

The byte sequence 0xe9 0x20 0x67 means "é g" in ISO-8859-1 and WINDOWS-1252,
so I think that your setup is as follows:

- The PHP application gets data encoded in ISO-8859-1 or WINDOWS-1252
  and tries to store it in a database.
- The PHP application has a database connection with client_encoding
  set to UTF8.

Then the database thinks it gets UTF-8 and will choke if it gets something

The solution:

- Make sure that your web application gets data in only one encoding.
- Set client_encoding to that encoding.

Laurenz Albe

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