Hash: RIPEMD160

François Beausoleil asked:
> To that end, we'd like to anonymize the data before it leaves the database 
> server.
> One solution we thought of would be to run statements prior to pg_dump, but 
> within 
> the same transaction, something like this:
> UPDATE users SET email = 'dev+' || id || '@example.com', password_hash = '/* 
> hash of "password" */', ...;
> -- launch pg_dump as usual, ensuring a ROLLBACK at the end
> Is there a ready-made solution for this?

No - at least not with generating a dump and scrubbing *before* the data comes 
out. Some other ideas:

* Periodically do a full dump to another database under your control, sanitize 
data, and make all dev dumps come from *that* database. Process roughly becomes:

* pg_dump herokudb | psql dev_temp
* <sanitize dev_temp>
* drop existing dev_old; rename devdb to dev_old; rename dev_temp to devdb
* Devs can pg_dump devdb at will

That still moves your sensitive data to another server though, even temporarily.
Another approach is to use the -T flag of pg_dump to exclude certain tables. 
Make modified copies of them on the server, then rename them after the dump 
(or simply put them in a new namespace):

* (create a dev.users identical (including indexes, etc.) to public.users)
* truncate table dev.users;
* insert into dev.users select * from public.users;
* update dev.users set email = 'dev' + || ...etc. <e.g. sanitize data>
* pg_dump -d <herokus DATABASE_URL> -T public.users > devs_use_this.pg

Then dev could do: set schema = dev, public;

Or you could simply move the sanitized table back:

alter table dev.users set schema public;

If you are going to rename, it may be simpler to not make an identical copy 
of the affected tables (i.e. with indexes) but just a data-only copy:

create table dev.users as select * from public.users;
<sanitize dev.users>
pg_dump herokudb --schema-only | psql devdb
pg_dump herokudb --data-only -T public.users | psql devdb
psql devdb -c 'insert into public.users select * from dev.users'

- -- 
Greg Sabino Mullane g...@turnstep.com
End Point Corporation http://www.endpoint.com/
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 201703240911


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